If you would like to return your item for any reason, we are here to support you. You may return the unwanted item/s to Funko within 28 days from receipt, with the cost of the return shipment covered by you.
All products will remain your responsibility until they reach Funko Europe.
Please use this link to start your return process.
Once the item is received in the warehouse the item will be inspected by a team member before the refund can be processed. All unwanted items returned must be in their original packaging and condition and must have all original tags attached. To qualify for a return the TAMPER PROOF SEAL MUST BE INTACT
- Outside the returns window (please refer to the Returns policy)
- Without the original Shipping box
- Should the tamper-proof seal be broken, tampered with, or removed then Funko Europe reserve the right to reject the request to return the item (example: Die Cast, 3ltr Soda)
- Items purchased in bulk, defined as purchases with 6pcs or more of the same item
If a return is approved by Funko, once the item is received in the warehouse the item will be inspected by a team member before the exchange or refund can be processed to confirm that the above conditions are met.
Should the item not achieve the above conditions Funko Europe will return the order to you.
Refunds will be applied to the payment method that was used to purchase the item and, once processed, can take up to 7-10 working days to reach your account.
If you are unable to find the answers that you need then please get in touch with our Customer Support Team by clicking on the support button in the lower right-hand corner or clicking on the link below!