When you place an order we carry out several security checks before your order request is sent to the fulfilment centre.
Once the payment screen has been completed and you hit pay you will see the following on the screen:
You will receive a confirmation email as an acknowledgement of receipt of the order and provide a summary.
This indicates that your order request has been received and the security & stock checks are being carried out, once these have been completed successfully the systems will reserve the stock against the order and transfer the data to the fulfilment centre.
Should any of these fail, stock levels for example, the system will reject the order request due to no stock and the order will be submitted for cancellation. This could happen within a few minutes to a few hours depending on the demand/traffic at the time.
As soon as your order has been processed and dispatched you will receive a dispatch email which will provide the tracking details and the carrier assigned to the consignment.